31 March 2009

Renegade Pro Teleseminar


Live questions and answers with

Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler



***Just Added!! Here is the LINK to Sign up Directly With Renegade Professional On Thursday, April 2nd at 12 NOON Eastern Time
Click Here at NOON Eastern Time, April 2nd***

Bookmark this page so you can return easily to Sign Up Before they Fill Up

Get on the early bird list now, if you are not already! I have been using the original version of Renegade Pro in my coaching and mentoring for six months. The training videos are superb and I know the new Renegade Professional launching on April 2nd will be that and more. This is for anyone who wants to learn how to market themselves online. This is for you.

http://itsallsuccess.renegadeproblog.com And sign in to get on the list (unless it's already Thursday afternoon..then scroll up and use the link above)

More information direct from Ann Sieg

1) Our unique style of training ISN’T
available anywhere else on the Internet.

(Which is why practically everyone and their
brother are dying to get in -– over 35,000
people on the waiting list alone!

2) Either you succeed or WE pay YOU.

(This unheard of guarantee does more than
remove all the risk. Who WOULDN’T want to
give this a shot?)

3) It WON’T be expensive. (less than $50!)

(Mike and I underpriced this on purpose
so EVERYONE could fit it into their budget)

4) Spots are LIMITED because there’s WAY MORE
interested people than we can accommodate.

(We’re being forced to limit availability
because we’re not going to sacrifice the
integrity of our customer support by
“opening up the floodgates.”)

When you mix all these factors together
it’s pretty obvious…


At the precise moment Renegade Professional
becomes available on Thursday morning.

In fact, one guy is TAKING OFF WORK so he
can stay glued to his computer on April 2nd!

Other grown adults are saying this reminds
them of being a kid again waiting for
Christmas morning to arrive!

I’ll admit that Mike and I wanted to get
people excited about this.

But we never imagined things would get
this crazy.

So be ready on Thursday, okay? :-) Ann Sieg

Don't forget to get on the early bird list now! I have been using this system in my coaching for six months. Prior to that I needed to walk people through so much information using the telephone. If you've ever wanted a teacher sitting with you at your computer, this is your chance. With a "we pay you if you don't generate leads once you work through the training," guarantee, you cannot make a mistake. Get in the list now while there is still time. Noon (EDT) on Thursday April 2nd, Renegade Professional opens to the general public

http://itsallsuccess.renegadeproblog.com And sign in now to get on the list (unless it's already thursday afternoon..then scroll up to the top and use the link for direct sign-ups.)

30 March 2009

Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler Will PAY YOU!!

Below is an excerpt I received in a letter from Ann Sieg. Basically, if you enroll in Renegade University and really do you what they train you to do, and you do NOT generate you own money making leads, they will PAY YOU. No where in the industry have I ever seen a guarantee like that. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So sign up now to receive the Attraction Marketers Manifesto, and then use the link inside to free ebook to get on the early bird enrollment list for Renegade University. Renegade University is opening it's (virtual) doors this Thursday, April 2nd 2009!

Mike and I are so confident our training
will work for you that we're backing
it up with an unheard of guarantee.

Listen carefully because you WON'T find
a deal like this anywhere else.


Go through the training and complete all the
action steps according to our instructions.

If after 90 days you're not generating free
leads for your business or leads that you're
making a profit with...

Let us know we'll put you in our group
coaching program for another 90 days!

Once you're at this stage it's often just
one little thing in your marketing that needs
to get fine tuned in order to start getting the
results you're after.

We'll pick apart what you're doing and
help you identify what needs to be fixed.

If after that time you're still not generating
leads at no-cost or a profit let us know and
we'll not only refund you everything you paid...


So let me ask you this, okay?

When was the last time you saw a networking
company guarantee your success like this?

In fact, when was the last time you saw
anyone guarantee your success like this?

This is how serious Mike and I are about
wanting you to succeed.

And it's how confident we are in our stuff!

You see, if we DON'T deliver on our end
we're not only $300 in the hole...

But we're also out all the time we spent
working with you!

Let that sink in for a minute.

If you go through all the training modules
and follow the action steps we give you...


We absolutely guarantee it.

As long as you're committed it's literally
impossible for you to lose.

How's that for cool, huh?

I knew you'd be excited about this. :-)

And believe it or not, I still have a few
more surprises up my sleeve.

So stay glued to your computer!

Talk to you soon.
--Ann Sieg

That is basically the end of the letter I received. There is a limited number of enrollment slots in Renegade University Professional. Sign up now through the link in this Ebook and hold your early enrollment slot.

29 March 2009

Earth From Space

This collection of photos was taken by Astronaut Sunita Williams. Please enjoy..they are absolutely beautiful.

24 March 2009

Duplication123..You DO NOT Need This....

You do not need this if you already have a foolproof system in place for generating unlimited leads, managing your contacts and prospects, supporting and training your team in your primary business and creating an additional stream of income that can act as a funded proposal. Even if you have all that already in place..Duplication123 also offers a state-of-art webinar platform as part of their $35 package. Most webinar platforms are substantially more money than that, without the latest technology.

Basically you can use Duplication 123 in 3 ways:

1. As a marketing and training system for your primary business(es), utilizing the customizable/generic lead capture pages and all the back office marketing tools and training modules. This includes the most amazingly advanced live webinar tool that I have seen to date. I know others who pay $100 per month for a tool like this, or even $4 per person per webinar, but with D123, it is part of your $35 package..along with everything else.

2. You can use it as a funded proposal system, generating contacts and leads that will monetize and also become part of your ongoing lead list for your primary biz.

3. Use D123 as a means for generating an additional income stream through the unique 3-tier affiliate matrix. This matrix is a hybrid 3x3 that loads and pays in a manner that is fair and powerful.

Duplication123 is run by a company that has been providing lead capture pages and lead/prospect management systems for almost 10 years. D123 is their latest venture and combines all their past experience experience with cutting edge technology. This is the most comprehensive system and product of it's kind in the industry.

Given the lack of good internet marketing resources in many MLM's, we expect many top network marketers to jump on the system to use with their people. Our training modules cover all aspects of network marketing, which enables anyone you offer D123 as a Duplicatible System for their entire downline.

Duplication IS the POWER behind network marketing.
Duplication123 is the engine.

20 March 2009

How To Market Online From Virtually Anywhere

Free initial coaching session to help you get started in your online marketing business.

Personal Letter From Ann Sieg--Attraction Marketing Role Models

I just received this letter from Ann Sieg..thought I'd share it with you.

Your New Special Report is Ready

Today is a very big day.

I just released another brand-new 44 page
special report called…


How ordinary folks are getting prospects
to come to them over the internet.

You can download it here.


If you’re worried that building a networking
business online isn’t for you because
you’re not a computer genius…

Then you NEED to read this!

If you’re worried that building a networking
business online isn’t for you because
you don’t have a huge budget…

Then you NEED to read this!

If you’re worried that building a networking
business online isn’t for you because
you don’t know where to begin…

Then you NEED to read this!


Most people think that in order to grow
a profitable business using the internet
you need…

-Lots of money to spend on advertising

-Lots of computer/online experience

-Lots of extra free time


In fact, the people who assume this are
dead wrong!

And this report proves it.

Inside you’ll get to read the exhilarating
stories of 10 normal business owners.

Folks who didn’t have a bunch of extra
time or money to spend…

Folks who didn’t know where to start and
were hesitant to do it by themselves…

Folks who didn’t grow up with a computer
or know a bunch of technical stuff…


So if you’ve ever wondered if all this
internet stuff is really doable for
the average person.

Then you NEED to read this!


Because it will prove to you beyond the
shadow of a doubt that…


Talk to you soon.

Ann Sieg
Ann Sieg

P.S. I was just inside my Google Analytics
account checking out some traffic stats.

Here’s something cool I noticed.

The Attraction Marketer’s Manifesto website
has already gotten 122,894 visits so far!

(Which is pretty good considering it’s only
a couple of weeks old.)

That’s an average of 8,125 visits every day
since my special report was released.

And guess what?


It’s all been through “word of mouth” which
is 100% free of course.

But here’s what I’m getting at.

If our training program looks like a good
match for you and your business…

Please be ready to get started when this
thing “lifts off” okay?

More people are paying attention to this
than Mike and I ever imagined!

P.P.S. Did you know we’re giving away a
new Mercedes-Benz (or vehicle of equal
value) as part of this crazy launch?

Hard to believe, I know!

If you’re interested in finding out more
about this special giveaway go here.


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Some items on this site may be affiliate items. Be aware that the author of this blog may receive commissions on some of the products and links appearing in this blog.