23 November 2008

It's About the DUPLICATION--Duh!!

OK All you super recruiters/sponsorers out there...here is the $10,000 question: Is it better to recruit 100 personals in to your business or to sponsor ten and teach them to sponsor ten? It's not a trick question, it is the essence of network marketing.

There are a lot of articles, blog posts, websites, etc... all aimed at generating leads and ultimately bringing people into your business. Awesome information. But here's the thing. In reality you can only effectively teach and mentor 5-6 people at a time if you want to do it right and truly watch the power of duplication take off in your own organization.

Here is what I do

This may help you move your business to the next level. My focus is on 5-6 business builders at a time. According to Don Faille, who wrote one of the Best Little Books on Network Marketing,
no one can seriously devote themselves to more than that and be effective. Now it may require that you bring 10-20 new people into your business in order to find the 5-6 who are seriously committed to working hard and learning, but that's OK. You know from spending time on Better Networker, that there are many means and tools for doing that.

So What Do I Do With Those 5-6 Business Builders?

I work with them. I connect with them everyday if they want. I TEACH them how to replicate what I do. I help them sort through different networking techniques and find the first few that they want to become experts in. I coach them on how to organize their time and stay focused on their why. I suggest books to read and websites to visit. I'm available for three-way calls and hand-holding on tough days. I become the person who supports them while they launch their business.

What Else Do I Do?

I TEACH them how to REPLICATE what I am doing with them, with their own personals. That is why I have a step-by-step system that I can plug them in to. That way they do not have to reinvent the wheel. I stay on this path with each of my personal sponorees until they have brought on their first 5-6 people and have TAUGHT those people how to begin creating their group of 5-6.

If you diagram it out, that means I stay very focused on each person in my 5-6 person pod until they have two levels going underneath them. That means the third level below me is going strong. Don Faille says that by the fourth level down, your organization has a momentum of it's own. I stay in the loop beyond the third and I'm available no matter how deep in my organization someone is, but...once someone has their second level going, I back off a bit and let them fly...meanwhile...

What I DO I Then?

I fill the space in a the 5-6 person pod with a new business builder and the process begins again.

Do The Math...Leverage is the Key

Each time I assist a business builder to sponsor 5 and then teach and assist them in sponsoring 5, that creates 30 new people in my organization in addition to my personal sponsoree. So if I do that in groups of 5-6...well you do the math...it will be fun to see the numbers for yourself.

Oh, by the way, with all the "Systems" out there you may want to know which one I use. Being a bit old fashioned I prefer to share the details in a real live conversation. The link for connecting with me can be found here....and one more thing....beginning in January 2009 I am going to be starting this process again, from scratch. Interested in knowing more.....it's just a simple capture page teaser.

The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life

Buy This Book...If you are really serious about being successful in your MLM business, you must read this book. When you are finished you will have conceptual grasp of this industry and profession that will set the stage for all that you do...and it will only take you an hour to read.

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