Being a network marketer means that oftentimes you are working on your own. You need to stay motivate and focused on the job at hand, even on the days that it feels like you're swimming upstream. Often your family and friends don't truly understand what it is that you do and how hard you need to work. Many people drop out of the network marketing profession due to frustration and lack of support.
I read somewhere that the people who ultimately succeed in the MLM/Network Marketing world, are those who stick with it. They pick a good company based on doing their research and due diligence. Then they make a commitment to learn the business and keep working. The successful people in this field are not the one's who go into it expecting to be earning 10K a month after six months. Some people do hit the jackpot and experience that velocity of success. Most however work steadily over a period of a few years to build their downlines and their knowledge base. Most people who stay in it and work consistently, will be successful.
There is a great free newsletter called Healthy Freedom Secrets that provides an outline for everything from choosing your network marketing company to understanding the type of prospecting that fits best with your personality, to how to get organized and get support. You can find it at
Until next time......
Deborah Tutnauer Entrepreneur Mentor. Clarity yields Financial Sustainability in Business. Without knowing what you stand for, you will spin your wheels for a lifetime. Inner Game Transformational Success Coaching for Business Clarity and Authentic Impact and Income.
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