It is so hard to wait. Do you remember as a kid how hard it was to wait for Christmas or you birthday or for dinner? Even though patience is a virtue I do not believe it is a trait that is innate. I believe we need to cultivate patience and that often life gives us the perfect opportunities to do so.
Presently I am involved with a start-up network marketing company that is scheduled to begin operations in March. I have been involved since September (at which point we were hoping to have the products ready by the holidays). Patience. Take a deep a breathe. Now as March is getting closer we are on track for that date, though anything could happen between now and then. Patience. Lonnnggg Sllloooowwww Breeeaaatttgh.
I am excited and anxious to get moving. To introduce our product and unique compensation plan to the world. I can barely wait to hear people respond as I did with exclamation such as, "that's brilliant, why didn't anyone think of this before" or "how refreshing to get away from all the hype and see something that just makes sense". It's hard to be patient when I know that we may possibly change the face of the MLM industry with what we are going to present.
So where is the gift part, you may be asking? I titled this The Gift of Patience. Well here it is. The gift is that there is no frenzy to be caught up in. The gift is that I have time to speak personally with every single person who is interested in what we are doing. The gift is that I have time to develop real relationships with my potential front-line team rather than becoming a recruiting machine. By the time our company is ready to go, I will have had months of front-end work talking to people without any pressure. Being a maven of attraction marketing, for me building a strong network marketing organization is all about the foundation which is built on good relationships. I have been given the amazing gift of time and I am using it to get acquainted with many interesting and qualified people who may want to work with me.
Usually when you get involved in a new MLM (whether completely new or just new for you), there is a compulsion to "get going" and to talk to everyone and grow your team. That motivation and enthusiasm is awesome, but does not always result in the most prudent team building or in taking the necessary time to really know someone before inviting them into your organization. Here again is where the gift comes in. I have been given the gift of time which is requiring me to be patient, thoughtful, prudent and in many ways more human in the way I am approaching this new business.
How have you experienced the gift of patience in your life?
Please visit this page for more information about our new company.