Choosing a domain name may be one of the most important steps you take when beginning to market your business online. Your domain name is the official ADDRESS of your company on the World Wide Web. The entire name is called your "URL". This includes the name you've chosen plus the .com, or .net or .biz at the end. You also may end up having page specifiers that follow your domain name after a forward slash.
Your domain name should be easy to read, easy to pronounce and easy to spell. This will help assure that people will not only remember it, but will grasp it if you are sharing it with them over the phone. Though people often try and think up cute or catchy names, your real goal is a name that reveals the obvious benefits of what you are offering on your web page. In most cases, just one domain name will not cover all the different types of prospects you are trying to target. You may find instead that you will need a variety of sites/pages and names to best target your focused niche.
Your domain name should be one that entices your potential customer to open the door and walk into your "store" (view your web page), just as the name on a brick and mortar building evokes enough curiosity for a random passer-by to step in. Spend time asking yourself questions about your target audience. As you become clear on who your customers will be, you can then create a domain name that speaks directly to them.
As one who is has many websites and pages, it is often a fun brainstorming session to find just the right name. The best training I have seen to date on this process can be found in video number three of the PPC Domination Training Course. The one addition I would make is to use a tool like Wordtracker, to research keywords that your potential customer base is looking for, but not finding. This can serve to further create a very niche targeted domain name. Niches and targeting are crucial to bringing in customers and prospects who are looking for that which you are offering.