Driving a BMW paid for by Visalus means much more than just a Free car. It means that you have reached a skill level where you can help others . It means that you have made a commitment to yourself to learn and grow. It means you have decided that the only way to change your life is to change you actions - and you have changed those actions!
When you achieve the rank of Visalus Regional Director you earn a monthly Bimmer Bonus and average $1000 - $1500 per month income initially*. Most people at this stage of Promoting The Challenge are working their Visalus Business part time. What would it feel like to earn $12,000 - $18,000 EXTRA per month PART TIME?
Take a moment to imagine what would change in your life.
- What would you do?
- Where would you go?
- Who would you help?
December is a month of Giving
It's a time for making plans and sharing love and joy.
I LOVE Promoting the Body By Vi Challenge. The Joy I feel when I help a team member earn their first check is incredible. And when I can link arms with that person and help them earn their Regional Director Rank and their BMW, that is a truly amazing feeling for me!!
This December I am offering the Gift of getting started in your home based business with an Inspiring Bonus Offer
Join the team with a STAR Promoter Kit and receive a FREE Shape Kit and an extra Box of Nutra Cookies! ($135 value)
Join the team with an EXECUTIVE Promoter Kit and receive a FREE Balance Kit and a Box of Neuro Smart Energy. ($80 value)
By taking this simple action you will be raising your hand and volunteering for the fast track to success . In order to devote my time and energy to your fast track to success, there are just Five of these bonuses available. The plan will be designed to have you in your BMW by the end of February 2013, at the latest - as long as you follow the training and do the actions required of fast track performers.
I am Deborah Tutnauer. Learn more about me and decide for yourself if I'm the type of leader/sponsor/ teacher you would like to work with to build your Fortune.

*Results not typical. The average time to qualify for a BMW bonus varies greatly, and qualification is dependent on reaching and maintaining sales goals. Many Distributors will not qualify for a BMW bonus. Details regarding the qualification requirements are available online