How to use the Body By Vi Challenge Kit
You receive your Body By Vi Challenge Kit and open the box. What then?
In your box is either Body By Vi Balance Kit, Shape Kit, Core Kit, Transformation Kit or Fit Kit.
All Visalus Challenge Kits comes with the industry shake leader, the Vi-Shape Nutritional Shake and Visalus Flavor Mix Ins with added nutrition. Beyond that, each kit is designed for different health and fitness goals.
Below the descriptions is the video showing you how to use your new kit!
Body By Vi Balance Kit: Balance your nutrition with this

once-daily boost to your health.
Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix: Help shape your
body with perfect nutrition. (30 servings)
Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins: Add to your shake
for fun, variety, and health benefits! (5 servings)
Body By Vi Shape Kit: See results and help shape your
body with 60 power-packed meals.
Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix: Help shape your
body with perfect nutrition. (60 servings)
Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins: Add to your shake
for fun, variety, and health benefi ts! (10 servings)
Body By Vi Core Kit: Support your active lifestyle with
balanced nutrition and an advanced
anti-aging and energy system.
Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix: Help shape your
body with perfect nutrition. (30 servings.)
Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins: Add to your shake
for fun, variety, and health benefi ts! (5 servings)
ViSalus NEURO™ Smart Energy Drink Mix: Get healthy
energy. Nutrition for body and your brain! (30 servings)
Vi-pak® complete health system: Molecularly-distilled
Omega Oils; chelated Multi-Mineral & Vitamin;
Supercharged Antioxidant; and our patented Anti-
Aging & Energy formula. (30 servings)
Body By Vi Transformation Kit: Ultimate shaping and nutrition support to help you
transform your body and feel maximum results.
Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix: Help shape your body with perfect nutrition.
(60 servings)
Vi-Slim® Metab-Awake Tablets: Nutritional support to help you burn fat faster, without
jitters or stimulants. (30 servings)
Vi-Trim® Clear Control Drink Mix: Add to your shake or any beverage to keep hunger at bay
and help prevent diet sabotage. (30 servings)
Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins: Add to your shake for fun, variety, and health benefi ts!
(10 servings)
Omega Vitals™: Help your joints, your skin, your hair, your heart and every cell in your body
with our exclusive blend of life enhancing oils, including evening primrose, pumpkin seed,
and molecularly distilled fi sh oils. (30 servings)
ViSalus NEURO™ Smart Energy Drink Mix: Get healthy energy. Nutrition for body and
your brain! (30 servings)
Body By Vi Fit Kit: Nutrition to power athletic performance.
Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix: Help shape your body with perfect nutrition.
(60 servings)
Shape-Up™ Health Flavor Mix-Ins: Add to your shake for fun, variety, and health benefi ts!
(5 servings)
Nutra-Cookie™: Protein, fi ber, and nutrient cookie. Ten of each fl avor included: Chocolate
Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, and Peanut Butter. (30 servings)
ViSalus PRO™ Prolonged Energy Drink Mix: Supports athletic performance and
endurance by giving you the muscle energy you need throughout your workout.
(30 servings)
ViSalus GO™ Instant Energy Drink Shots: Give yourself a boost of instant energy to kick
start your workout with this convenient shot, or take during your workout for the energy
to go the extra mile. (30 servings)