04 November 2007

Multiple Streams of Income

There are master marketers like Mark Yarnell, who write that you should pick one business and put everything you've got into it. Basically the thought is that it's really hard to build a business. If you're in network marketing its really hard to build a downline. So it makes sense to use your energy to focus build that downline and build it deep and wide, rather than diluting your efforts by building multiple businesses at the same time.

In this new world of internet marketing, there are many people who are doing very well financially, who advocate creating multiple streams of income. It is easy to find many network marketers and internet marketers who are doing this just by looking at some of the websites that are out there in cyberland. There are people focused on health and wellness who are marketing a few of the top health drinks like MonaVie, Zrii(#2631542) and Xango, all on one website. Web marketing gurus often have links to many companies that will help you build your site, advertise it and find leads for your business. Most of these people are "affiliates" with the different companies that they have links to. What this means is that they will receive a commission from that company for any product that you purchase if you linked in from their website.

Affiliate systems provide benefits for everyone involved. It's a win-win-win situation. The company benefits because they are essentially getting others to market their products. The marketer wins, because he or she gets a commission. The consumer wins because he is purchasing a product that someone who he respects, based on other information or services they have provided, has recommended. Chances are high that the consumer will find the product useful.

So here you are, new to this whole network marketing industry and new to internet marketing. How do you decide if doing one thing will all your energy or right for you, or if it's might be better to diversify? Ultimately it's a personal decision based on an honest assessment of yourself. Are you a person who can multi-task? How are you at keeping multiple balls in the air at one time? Do you have the time in your week to work on two or three different businesses? How are you will organization.

My suggestion is to begin with that type of self-assessment. Then get away from the computer and list your ideas. Obviously your main network marketing business will be first. Write an outline or a flow chart delineating your goals and your tasks. Then move on to you other ideas. It might help to have each on its own piece of paper. For each idea, describe what it is, list the goals and objectives and then the tasks involved to getting it running and keeping it going.

The beauty of internet marketing done well is that eventually it will run itself. You will need to check in on ads, keywords, etc... But once your programs are set up and going, especially if you automate them using an autoresponder, they will work somewhat on their own. This will free you up to concentrate on talking to people and following up on leads in person or on the phone.

In the last post I said I'd have links to my web building/hosting company and to the autoresponder company that I've been using. Here they are:
1and1 has been a really good web hosting and web building company for a beginner like me. Their customer service and tech support is all live, 24 hours per day.

AWeber has been fantastic. Their tutorials are so easy to follow and the customer support (live again) could not be better!!

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