It's official...working your network marketing business the old way is...well...old. If you are not marketing on the internet you are missing a very important aspect of business today. For those of you who are dabbling on the internet, but not yet comfortable, do not fear. There are many websites that give you free information and many people who are just an email away who can also help. On this post I'm going to focus on giving you some links that can help get you started. Most contain free information...nothing better than free information. You will begin to form a picture in your mind of how things work our here in cyberland. Once you do, you will be better able to decide if you need to purchase books, ebooks or some consultation services.
Feel free to post questions in the comments section. I'll do my best to answer. As someone who has gone from a "net" neophyte to a full-fledged internet marketer just in 2007, I understand the angst and confusion associated with this new world and new language. Please ask....
Learn about marketing on the internet by taking advantage of this 30 day trial to the Internet Entrepreneurs Club. It's only $2.95 for 30 days.
Click Here to try this out. Read the full description of the Club, below
Derek Gehl is the President of the Internet Marketing Center which has some of the best information and support available for marketing online
Membership privileges include unlimited access to Derek's private Internet marketing community forum, where they can ask unlimited questions and get unlimited website reviews, salescopy advice, SEO advice, and more...
... All from Derek's private team of Internet wealth experts (the SAME people who've helped him grow his business to over $60,000,000).
Membership also includes:
1. Unlimited access to our bustling Internet Entrepreneur Club forums where my team of marketing experts are waiting to provide detailed answers to every single question they ask!
(It doesn't matter if your customers are looking for a hot product idea... wondering how to attract a swarm of eager buyers to their site... or wrestling with some "newfangled technology"... my experts will give them the answers they're looking for -- in language even the "greenest" newbie can understand!)
2. Weekly participation in a LIVE call-in "Q & A" session, where Club members can talk to our experts in person and get professional help with their most pressing online business challenges
3. Monthly calls with industry experts making HUGE six- and seven-figure incomes -- who are prepared to spill their best-kept secrets for success!
4. FREE tickets to a two-day "NO-PITCH" seminar where a team of our Club experts will take the stage and bring your customers up to date on all the latest and most powerful online business-building secrets that are seeing great results RIGHT NOW.
(This seminar is ONLY available to members who have been the Club for 3 months or longer -- which is a HUGE incentive to keep your customers in the Club... and keep those monthly $35 commissions pouring into your bank account!)
5. Access to our powerful library of business-building secrets -- featuring video tutorials, recorded interviews, and print materials that will show your customers step by step how to implement the hottest marketing strategies (such has how to beat Google at its own game!)
6. My monthly "Industry Update" newsletter, containing all the latest Internet marketing news savvy entrepreneurs need to know in order to stay ahead of the competition.
7. Free book giveaways -- we're talking bestsellers written by your favourite industry giants!
8. A CD recording of every monthly interview, mailed straight to their doorstep -- so they never have to worry about missing a single call!
... plus tons more!
Sign up here...and don't forget to cancel your membership after 30 days is you don't want to continue. The club normally costs $97 per month, a cost that many feel is well worth the benefit. But if you don't want to spend that much, just take advantage of the 30 days for only $2.95 and gather as much information as you can!!
Just enrolling in Derek Gehl's club will be a great beginning. If you'd like to understand the basics of organizing your business and your thoughts, you may want to subscribe to a FREE newsletter called Healthy Freedom Secrets. Here you will find more of a focus on the basics of beginning in network marketing. It's a good resource.
You will also want to understand how to find leads for your business on the computer. A program called Magnetic Sponsoring is really helpful for understanding how to do this. Start with this information and a link to a FREE video. You may end up purchasing the Magnetic Sponsoring Book, but even if you don't the FREE information is invaluable. Click Here to visit Magnetic Sponsoring and learn some important information about finding prospects for your business
I hope all this information gets you going on the right foot, and easing some the confusion. Marketing online is like learning a new language. Over time it all starts to become clear.
Until next time.....
Deborah Tutnauer Entrepreneur Mentor. Clarity yields Financial Sustainability in Business. Without knowing what you stand for, you will spin your wheels for a lifetime. Inner Game Transformational Success Coaching for Business Clarity and Authentic Impact and Income.
28 December 2007
Happy New Year to Your Web Business
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