20 May 2009

Network Marketing Mentoring (even for Dummies)

I a writing this post from a little cafe in Orvieto, Italy. Not a bad way place to work. The holy grail of network marketing is the ability to create ongoing residual income so that you can spend your time where and how you would like. Here I am in Italy for a few weeks. Where would you like to be?

While checking my email I came across the letter below, sent to me by Ann Sieg. I presently offer my expertise writing articles as a super guide for Renegade Pro, which is a training system developed by Ann and Mike Klingler. Both began their MLM careers talking to friends and family, doing home parties, etc..and both found a better way. They are now sharing that information with anyone who wants to get on the fast track to a large residual income in the industry. I'm already on my path and today I'm working from Italy. Are you on the path to your dreams yet?

Click here or read the letter that Ann sent me below.

I offer to assist anyone who contacts me through my blog...yes..Ann and Mike have a phenomenal mentoring program that I certainly cannot duplicate. If you can take advantage of it I'd certainly suggest that you do so. However, even if you cannot....please feel free to contact me using the links in the sidebar. I mentor many people in my simple, yet beneficial manner, and would be honored to share what I know and the path I feel leads to success in this industry, with you.

Letter from Ann Sieg....

Dear Deborah,

In this email you’re going to get a very
thorough overview of Renegade Breakthrough.

(Our brand-new mentoring program everyone’s
been asking about!)

I’m going to tell you EXACTLY what you’re
going to learn from me and Mike during
our time together.

I’m going to answer the question that’s
been on everyone’s mind:


I’m going to reveal the $599.40 bonus
that we’re just going to GIVE AWAY
if you register in time!


I’m going to fill you in on WHEN you
can register for Renegade Breakthrough.

But first things first.

Let me break down what Mike and I will
be covering in each of...


#1) Networking, Alliance, Partnering and JV’s

In this session you’ll learn...

-How to get more done with less work by
smart partnering

-Why the new leadership in business means more
opportunities for “ordinary” people (actually
everyone has unique aspects to bring to the
table, we’ll show you how to find yours)

-How to get anyone to joint venture with you

#2) You and Your Business Model: Viability &
Long-Term Growth

In this session you’ll learn...

-What it takes for you to succeed in this
business in a way that fits your values,
personality, and lifestyle

-Websites made easy (“Non-techie” options
for getting a strong, attractive presence
on the Internet)

-The definitive answers for which networking
companies you want to partner with and
what products you should promote

#3) Outsourcing & Building an All-Star Marketing

In this session you’ll learn...

-Which aspects of your business you should
do yourself and which ones you should look
for help with (plus, the skills you thought
you needed that you NEVER have to develop
IF you don’t want to)

-Outsourcing methods to slash costs more
than you ever thought possible -– and free
up huge amounts of time in the process!

-The best places to look and the biggest
mistakes to avoid when looking for help

#4) Market Research: Finding and Creating a Hungry

In this session you’ll learn...

-The secret of building a following of
people who are seeking YOU out

-How fun and common interests can turn
into sustained and increasing income

-The truth about products that “sell
themselves” (and how to find what’s
really hot on the market)

#5) Creating Content: Building Your Own Fort Knox

In this session you’ll learn...

-Why what you say does matter and how to
attract profitable leads with your opinions,
values and observations

-Ethical shortcuts that take the struggle
and anxiety out of creating content

-How to effortlessly repackage the
same pieces of content multiple times
to instantly double or triple the amount
of money you make

#6) Copywriting: Words That Sell

In this session you’ll learn...

-A simple way to make sense of copywriting
that attracts leads and closes sales

-Step-by-step instruction that makes
powerful copywriting easy

-Proven copywriting formulas and techniques
that work wonders on the Internet

#7) The First Phase of Your Marketing System:
Leading With Value

In this session you’ll learn...

-The secret that has turned previously unknown
people into legitimate “niche celebrities”
online virtually overnight

-The value paradox (How things that are obvious
to you will often be seen as PRICELESS REVELATIONS
by other people who will then gladly become your
prospects and customers)

-Which free websites are the best to use for
leading with value, and how to use them to
get maximum results

#8) The Second Phase of Your Marketing System:
Closing The Sale

In this session you’ll learn...

-Why high pressure doesn’t work (or it works
but doesn’t last) and what works infinitely

-How to shift your thinking from scared-of-sales
to enthusiastic and confident which makes it
much easier to make a lot of money

-Simple things you can do to make it easy and
comfortable for your prospects to buy

#9) The Backend: Upsell Profits = Long Term Profits

In this session you’ll learn...

-The money-in-your-pocket version of “it’s more
expensive to GET a customer than to KEEP one.”

-How to convince people to stay with you
and keep spending with you

-See residual income in a whole new light
(one that opens new marketing possibilities
for you)

#10) Marketing To Your Lists: Getting Multiple
Product Lines

In this session you’ll learn...

-The “multiple streams of income” concept
made real (and made easy) for networkers

-How to tap into legal, appropriate, low-effort
sources of additional income for yourself and
your family

-Money-making shortcut: How to set-up a new
income stream WITHOUT a product, website,
or even an ad!

#11) Traffic Generation: Stuffing Your Marketing

In this session you’ll learn...

-The difference between good and bad leads
(and why good leads cost surprisingly less)

-A new definition of leadership, and how it
can give you more eager, profitable prospects
than you ever imagined

-The ultimate traffic generation secret:
How to permanently send streams of new visitors
to your websites while others struggle to learn
the latest online “fads”

#12) Monetization: Turning Losses Into Sources of

In this session you’ll learn...

-How the right joint venture converts the
dreaded “NO’s” into welcome “cash flow”
for you

-The magic of repurposing: Turning something
that was a flop in one form into a profit
generator in another form

-Out of the box thinking that turns into
out of the ordinary wealth generation


The complete agenda for EACH and EVERY
Renegade Breakthrough session!

Here’s another thing I should mention.

Each session comes in the form of a live
webinar (with extensive online Q & A
interaction after the fact.)

This group interaction and live feedback
is a MASSIVE part of this program.

In fact, here’s what one of our current
Renegade Breakthrough students had to
say about being plugged into this
continuous source of support.


“I just love hanging out at the Renegade
Breakthrough student blog.

It’s helped me SO MUCH because that group
is full of people just like me!

The support, feedback, and understanding
in that group is better than I have
ever experienced -– EVEN FROM MY

Not only am I being supported but I’m
also supporting others -- which is cool!

It’s proving to me that I do have some
worthwhile advice to give to others.

That reassurance is priceless to me!”

-Cindy Ingram


Like I mentioned before, Renegade Breakthrough
was previously only available to subscribers
of our membership site.

Which means the “LIVE” mentoring sessions
with me and Mike have already started.


Because there’s still plenty of time
for you to jump in and get caught up.

And YES...

You will get the recordings from the
first three sessions we’ve already done.

But keep this in mind, okay?

The longer you wait to register the more
of the group interaction and live feedback
you’ll miss out on!

(Which is by far one of the biggest
benefits of the whole program.)


Everyone learns things differently.

Which is why we’re accommodating every
major learning preference with EACH
Renegade Breakthrough session.

You’ll get...

1) PDF Transcripts (downloadable)

2) Power-Point Presentations (downloadable)

3) Flow Charts and Diagrams (downloadable)

4) MP3 Files (downloadable)

(This way you can listen to each session in
your car, on your I-pod or wherever you like!)

5) Webinar Video (online)

(This means you can re-play each session
and watch them at your convenience!)

6) Action Guides (downloadable)

7) Progress Tracker (online)

8) Interactive Student Blog with Assignments
and Group Feedback (online)


Now that you know what’s taught in each
session as well as the eight different
learning formats you’ll receive...

Let me reveal the price.

If you’re serious about your business
and are willing to make a commitment
to put the strategies we give you
into action...

Then you can gain access to Renegade
Breakthrough for only $997.

(And just $397 a month after that for
five months.)

That’s right!

You can take a full SIX MONTHS to pay us back
while you get your business up and running
full steam.


If you’re the type of person who knows
they’re in it for the long run.

You can make just one single payment of

(Which saves you around $200 bucks!)

Now hang on a second because there’s
ONE MORE THING I have to tell you about.

The click-by-click TACTICAL level training we
provide in Renegade Professional goes hand-in-
glove with the big-picture STRATEGIC level
concepts you’ll learn in Renegade Breakthrough.

In fact, the people who are registered for
both programs have been able to advance their
businesses at a pace so fast it’s almost SCARY.

Which is why we wanted to make it easy for you
to take advantage of BOTH programs at the same

Here’s the deal:

If you register for Renegade Breakthrough
within the first 7 days of the program
going “LIVE” you’ll receive...


Yes, you read that right!

(And if you’re currently in Renegade Professional
you can get this same deal if you join Renegade
Breakthrough by May 24)

You’ll get 12 full months to our brand-new
monthly subscription site –- FREE OF CHARGE!

Normally it’s $49.95/month or $599.40/year.

Since we opened the doors to Renegade Professional
on April 2nd it’s become the standard for online
beginner’s training.

It’s guaranteed to help you generate leads for
your particular products and opportunity faster
than any other program out there.

And it makes the perfect companion to Renegade

If you HAVEN’T experienced what it can
do for you yet...


Renegade Breakthrough goes live this Monday,
May 18th.

You don’t have to worry about rushing to get a
spot or anything like that.

You’ll be able to get in at any time.
But remember, this exclusive introductory offer
is only good for the first 7 days

So if you’re interested in getting all of our
best training in one incredible package, don’t
wait around too long, okay? :-)

I’ll be in touch soon.

--Ann Sieg

Click this link and start making your dreams come true...only a few will take advantage of this..are you going to be one of them?

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