14 July 2009

Emotional Aspects of Developing Your Work From Home Business

Subject: Emotional Aspects of Developing Your Work From Home Business

(written by my good friend Eric Walker, Professional Coach Extraordinaire)

Hey Everyone,

They say that succeeding with internet marketing (or anything) is 10% learning and applying and the rest is emotional. What do you think?

I know I have played head games with myself. We all have.

Well, I have, what I promise will be a powerful series of calls devoted to this subject. You're going to be able to access this information for no cost. In the future, these calls will more than likely not be accessible without a price.

Let me introduce you to Deborah Tutnauer. She is a full-time network marketer amongst many other things, and lives in beautiful Crested Butte, Colorado.

Deborah is also my friend.

Deborah Tutnauer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker,and practicing psychotherapist. She’s a Business coach, trained with The Global Consulting Partnership. Deborah is a mother to a 7 year old who she home schools.

Deborah is also a Renegade Professional Super Guide. She has agreed to participate in our live "underground" training series that all Renegade Professional community members can participate.

Deborah will be hosting a series of three conference calls titled, Emotional Aspects of Developing Your Work From Home Business: 3 Part Series focused on Network Marketers, Affiliate Marketers and Anyone Running an Internet Business.

Here is the outline for part one of the series. Join us on this call. Call information is at the bottom of this email.

1. Moving From Ideas to Action
1. Beliefs
1. Think and Grow Rich
2. Law of Attraction
3. More Than Just Words
1. Vision Board
2. Meditaion
3. Feelings
2. Why Statements
3. Goal Setting

Back to the Vision Board

1. But in Bite-Sized Steps
2. Letting go of Holding on
4. Sabtoge
1. Self
1. Being needy
2. Becoming an Alpha (Black Belt ideas vs. Beliefs)
2. Others Who Love You

When: Friday, July 24 at 1 p.m. EST

Call Info: dial (712) 432-6116 then press 100148#


Ethan said...

Good Stuff Deborah! Keep it coming! @EthanLanagan

Unknown said...

Hey Deborah:

This sounds EXCELLENT!

I will be attending your Webinar, for sure - wouldn't miss it.

I believe you (Webinar) will be addressing a very critical issue for the vast majority of Home Business entrepreneurs.

Many thanks for this.

Warmly / Peter A.

Peter Arnold, CLU, CFC / Founder
Business Achievers Academy / Canada

Michelle Moseley said...

Hi Deborah,

I want so bad to be on these calls, but I'm at work. I hope they will be put into the Renegade back office.

It's so true. The emotional part of doing any kind of business is huge! There are big ups and downs involved and times when you wonder if you are even doing the right thing. Maybe I'ved just lost my mind. Maybe I should quit. Maybe I shouldn't. I can be a roller coaster ride, that's for sure.

I'll look for the calls in the back office, later. I hope they are put there!!! :-)

Michelle Moseley

Crested Butte South Home said...

Looking forward to your thoughts about the classes. Thank you for taking the time to be there.

My hope is that they'll end up in the back office of Renegade Pro. But if they don't, please feel free to contact me directly and we can talk about this subject.

Peace and Abundance,

WineDIneTv said...

Hello Deborah,
Would like to attend your Webinar. We are in the process to rework our website and your outline sounds very interesting.
Thank you,
Judit & Corina

Crested Butte South Home said...

Judit and Corina,

I look forward to "seeing" you at the workshop!

Crested Butte South Home said...

Listen to the recording of this wonderful workshop at

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