Did you know - 231,000,000 Want to Lose Weight - Thank you Tara Wilson
~ Obesity is the #2 cause of preventable death in the United States ~ 60 million Americans, 20 years and older are obese ~ 9 million children and teens ages 6-19 are overweight ~ Being overweight or obese increases the risk of health conditions and diseases including: Breast cancer, Coronary heart disease, Type II diabetes, Sleep apnea, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Colon cancer, Hypertension and Stroke Don't adapt your life to a program - use a program designed for YOUR life. Approximately 231 MILLION people in North America will be looking to lose weight in 2013. Why not join the #1 fastest growing Weight Loss Challenge and REACH YOUR GOALS in 2013! Here's the facts:
Visalus Growth: 2009 - $9 Million
2010 - $34 Million
2011 - $231 Million
2012 - $600 Million + Join the CHALLENGE today!! Sources: Yahoo Finance The information in this article is easily found by anyone doing a little online research. In this case it was compiled by a wonderful Visalus leader, Tara Wilson
- WEIGHT WATCHERS 2012 - $1.8 B (2011 ~ $1.8 B = 0% growth)
- VISALUS BODY BY VI 2012 - $600 M+ (2011 ~ $231 M 250% + growth)
- JENNY CRAIG 2010 $432 M (current data couldn't find)
- NUTRISYSTEM - 2011 $401 M, down from $510 M in 2010, 2012 is $397 M (declining trend)
- MEDIFAST - 2011 $298 M, up from $258 M in 2010
Visalus Growth: 2009 - $9 Million
2010 - $34 Million
2011 - $231 Million
2012 - $600 Million + Join the CHALLENGE today!! Sources: Yahoo Finance The information in this article is easily found by anyone doing a little online research. In this case it was compiled by a wonderful Visalus leader, Tara Wilson
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