04 June 2009

MLM Training For Free

It's surprising how much information and training you can access for free and how valuable some of it is. Many people don't realize that you can watch a free online DVD and start putting into action all that you learn.

In a Free 40 minute online DVD, Mike Dillard is giving away the information that he has used to build a $7 MILLION Dollar a year business from home. In this DVD he shares how he generates 600 leads per day at no cost, and how he sponsors dozens of people into his network marketing organization every month using technology and his magnetic sponsoring system. There is no reason why you can't start using all of this free information right away.

In fact, this is the Traffic Formula that has created six figure incomes for many network marketers. Mike has created Traffic Formula 2.0 and is offering it for purchase if you'd like. But even if you buy nothing, you will walk away from this Free DVD with a wealth of knowledge that you can start applying to your network marketing business today.

Before you visit the page to access your FREE DVD, clear you cookies.

Why? Because if you decide to ultimately purchase Mike's Traffic Formula 2.0, I will give you a bonus of One Free Coaching Hour. My coaching/consultation time can cost $120 per hour. It will be yours for FREE. So clear your cookies (use the link to learn how), and then visit the page below to watch Mike Dillard's FREE DVD.

There's no reason to miss out on this FREE DVD. I am strong believer in accessing any free trainings that you can and then only purchasing those items that make the most sense.
Mike Dillard's Free DVD Can Be Found Here

Peace and Abundance,

PS. Remember...A private coaching hour if you decide to purchase Mike's Traffic Formula in time. I will also include a FREE 30 minute Audio Ebook Entitled:
Home Business Options, Using the Internet to
Create Income Online From Anywhere

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