31 January 2009

Google is Cracking Down on Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing Ads

Below is a note from Scott Phares to Perry Marshall. The original can be found on Perry Marshall's Web Page


Where Google makes a sweeping judgment and sweeps a bunch of advertisers away. Businesses are suddenly DOA.

"Yep, you are right. Google definitely tightened the screws … already. I found out the hard way yesterday. All my PPC ads were disapproved or their Quality Score went so low they won’t ever display. I called an 800 number I have for Google and spoke with one of their adwords reps.

Google no longer considers network marketing, affiliate marketing and MLM businesses as “valid” businesses. As a result, they have disallowed all ads forwarding to affiliate links/sites, bridge pages that then forward to an affiliate site, and any site that contains or mirrors all or portions of a parent company site. Even my ads for my own personal biz site landing page and home business web sites went down.

They did not disapprove them, but they immediately lowered my Quality Score (from GREAT to POOR) so low that the ads never display. The adwords rep. also told me that to get my Quality Score back up, Google would have me increase my bid so high that it would kill my ROI completely. To all - be prepared, you may not see this happen until you edit an existing ad or create a new ad, then Goggle will review all your campaigns, that’s when all your MLM, home business and affiliate ads will drop.

I moved all mine to Yahoo last night until we all can come up with a solution to this. This is going to shut down every ad anyone has running on Google as an affiliate where you have registered a domain and have it forwarded to your affiliate links/sites. I am looking forward to your call on Monday at noon CST, hopefully you will have some suggestions as to a solution."

About the Author

Perry Marshall's books on Google advertising are the most popular in the world. He is quoted all over the Internet and by USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Entrepreneur Magazine.


This is very concerning information for people in these industries. Particularly those who use PPC advertising as their primary mode of marketing. Stay tuned to this blog for further updates.

Learn more about building an affiliate web business and alternatives to PPC

28 January 2009

MLM Story on NPR's Morning Edition

Network Marketing on NPR's Morning Edition

On January 27th, 2009 NPR did an interview of a number of women involved in the network marketing companies, Mary Kay and Avon. The interview was short but got the point well across that network marketing sales are booming--particularly in the personal care and beauty departments. Mary Kay and Avon have been around for a very long time and have focused since their beginnings on the success of women. Click the link to listen to the 3 minute NPR Story.

NPR Network Marketing Story

27 January 2009

Food For Everyone Foundation

Below is the mission statement of the Food For Everyone Foundation

We are committed to teaching and encouraging personal and family self-sufficiency throughout the world, using the best possible food production, information delivery, and teaching systems and methods.

We believe in the principles of abundance and the common brotherhood of man, and in helping create happier, healthier, self-sufficient people wherever hungry people can be reached and taught.

We believe in each person’s individual worth, in teaching them how to care for themselves, giving them the opportunity and responsibility to do so, and thus reaping the rewards of their own efforts.

We believe in the capacity of each person to be a creator, that the law of the harvest dictates reward for effort, that the earth has ample resources to provide for every person living in it, and that people have a natural in-born desire to care for themselves and their families.

We accept each person in the world as our brother or sister, and honor their uniqueness and value. We consider that we are much more alike than different.

Click This Link Now to Learn How you Can Be a Part of

Fulfilling This Mission

26 January 2009

Think You Can or Think You Can't--Revisited

It appears that the Kurt Warner story in my previous post has been circulating around the internet for awhile now. While it is essentially true..there are many errors and omissions. The correct story is much more amazing and that much more motivational. Please click this link and read...the rest of the story.....

25 January 2009

Think You Can or Think You Can't

The story below was sent to me in an email. Author is unknown

If you think you can or your think you can't,
you are right.


In a supermarket, Kurtis the stock boy, was busily working when a new voice came over the loud speaker asking for a carry out at register 4. Kurtis was almost finished, and wanted to get some fresh air, and decided to answer the call. As he approached the check-out stand a distant smile caught his eye, the new check-out girl was beautiful. She was an older woman (maybe 26, and he was only 22) and he fell in love.

Later that day, after his shift was over, he waited by the punch clock to find
out her name. She came into the break room, smiled softly at him, took her card
and punched out, then left. He looked at her card, BRENDA. He walked out only
to see her start walking up the road.

Next day, he waited outside as she left the supermarket, and offered her a ride
home. He looked harmless enough, and she accepted. When he dropped her off, he
asked if maybe he could see her again, outside of work. She simply said it wasn't possible. He pressed and she explained she had two children and she couldn't afford a
baby-sitter, so he offered to pay for the baby-sitter. Reluctantly she accepted
his offer for a date for the following Saturday.

That Saturday night he arrived at her door only to have her tell him
that she was unable to go with him. The baby-sitter had called and canceled. To
which Kurtis simply said, "Well, let's take the kids with us. "She tried to explain that taking the children was not an option, but again not taking no for an answer, he pressed. Finally Brenda, brought him inside to meet her children. She had an older daughter who was just as cute as but Kurtis thought. Then Brenda brought out her son, in a wheelchair. He was born a paraplegic with Down Syndrome.

Kurtis asked Brenda, "I still don't understand why the kids can't come with us?" Brenda was amazed. Most men would run away from a woman with two kids, especially if one had disabilities - just like her first husband and father of her children had done. Kurtis was not ordinary - - - he had a different mindset.

That evening Kurtis and Brenda loaded up the kids, went to dinner and the movies. When her son needed anything Kurtis would take care of him. When he needed to use the restroom, he picked him up out of his wheelchair, took him and brought him back. The kids loved Kurtis. At the end of the evening, Brenda knew this was the man she was going to marry and spend the rest of her life with. A year later, they were married and Kurtis adopted both of her children. Since then they have added two more kids.

So what happened to Kurtis the stock boy and Brenda the check-out girl? Well, Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Warner now live in Arizona , where he is currently employed as the
quarterback of the National Football League Arizona Cardinals and has his Cardinals are in the hunt for a possible appearance in the Super Bowl.Is this a surprise ending or could you have guessed that he was not an ordinary person.

It should be noted that he also quarterbacked the Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI. He has also been the NLF's Most Valuable Player twice and the Super Bowl's Most Valuable Player.

24 January 2009

What Kind of School is Renegade University?

If you spend a lot of time in the online marketing community, for network marketing or direct selling, you have probably seen some information about Renegade University. Many I've spoken to have noticed the name but have no clear information as to what it is exactly and to how to enroll and what the benefits are of being a Renegade U. student. Thus the reason for today's topic.

As you may know the idea of using and attraction-based marketing approach for growing a network marketing business, has been around for about 3-4 years. In my book the gurus of this philosophy and the people most responsible for communicating it to the MLM world are Mike Dillard and Ann Sieg. If you are not familiar with them and their work, you are missing out on a very beneficial and insightful theory as far as doing serious business as a network marketer. Click their names in this paragraph and you'll be redirected to a sign up page for a series of free videos and emails. There is no obligation and you will develop a clear understanding of the philosophy just from studying the free information.

So after years of Dillard's and Sieg's philosophy and methods floating around the internet, there are still many, many network marketers who have been unable to put the information into practice. Dillard and Sieg are the gurus and those with a lot of techno savvy or time to invest in their education were able to put their ideas into practice. But for many, the "how" became a big stumbling block.

Introducing Renegade University. Along comes a wonderful teacher and writer named Mike Klinger. Klinger spent over a year developing a series of step-by-step training videos that answer the "how" question. How do you make a blog? How do you direct traffic to your site? How do you create a video? Help for writing an ezine article, using traffic exchanges, writing with "pull", how to use google. The list goes on and on. Each video is close to an hour long and Mike's clear, organized instructions make the student feel like there is a teacher sitting right at their computer with them.

When you enroll in Renegade University you are essentially enrolling in an online school that teaches you each step of how to put in place a balanced and successful onine marketing system for your network marketing business. Because it is a monthly subscription program, you continue as a student as long as you find it beneficial. Many find that once they know the techniques, the benefits are so tangible that they suggest that their down-lines become students as well. As a coach and mentor to many who are learning the ins and outs of online marketing, I often spent hours teaching many of these methods to my coaching clients. With Renegade University, I can now send them to a full program that, to be totally honest, does a better job of the teaching the technical minutia of creating online, than I can just using the phone.

Click this link now and you'll have the opportunity to enroll in the free version of Renegade University, called Marketing Merge. You'll receive a series of free training emails from Mike Klinger. There is never any obligation yet you may find yourself wanting to go back to school for a few months and really learn this business. Just like any profession, good information, study, immersion, increases your ability to be successful and professional. Renegade University is the first "school" just for network marketing professionals.

23 January 2009

Instructions: How to Convert Clicks to Prospects

This post is focused primarily on how to successfully convert clicks to prospects when doing internet marketing. Many people offer wonderfully creative and informative websites and even have learned how to bring traffic to visit the site...but still don't see many prospects or customers develop. Why is that? Here is the answer.

You must have a good landing page for your site. A landing page is just that..a place where people LAND once they click on a link in a paid ad or anywhere else online. Once a person lands on your page you need to do three things:

1. Keep their attention so that they stay on the page and read through it.

2. Offer them something that entices them to fill out your Lead Capture Form (back to that one in a moment) and give you their name and contact information.

3. Give very clear instructions as to the ACTION that they need to take..such as "Fill in your name and click to GO button.

If you send someone to a web page that does not have these three components then the chances of them becoming prospects or leads or customers, is greatly reduced.

Back to the Lead Capture Form. This is form that you create and put on your Landing Page. It is tied to an auto-responder system like Aweber which allows you to create lists composed of everyone who fills out your form. You must have one of these systems. They say in internet marketing that the fortune is in the list.

In Video #4 of PPC Domination Training Course, Jim Yaghi does a great job of showing the components of a really good landing page. He strongly suggests that beginners utilize some type of funded proposal system that comes with a landing page ready to go. He uses Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring affiliate program as an example. Mike does an awesome job with all his landing pages, but I find that sometimes people prefer a more personal touch. I do like the idea of using funded proposals though, as an easy way to capture leads, meet prospects and fund your advertising costs.

Marketing Merge/Renegade University is a great funded proposal system that allows you to create a very personalized landing page. The debate could be that these personalized pages don't have as strong of a call to action as the more direct/generic pages...so I would try both kinds if I were you (Renegade University gives you this option). I use both and vary them based on my target audience. Personalized Example
Non-personalized Example

Once someone has landed on your page and given you their information and you have given them whatever it is you offered (free video, ebook, etc...) now it's time to make contact. In your auto-responder system should be a series of letters that you send to your new prospect. Most of the packaged funded proposal systems do this for you. Beyond that, I strongly suggest that you use that phone number that you have acquired and say hello to your new prospect. Call and say hi. Get to know them. Find out what they are searching for and see if you can offer a solution.

Your click has now become your prospect.

Great Valentine's Giveaway !!

A good friend of mine is having a special giveaway for Valentine's Day. Click the Link below and join the fun!!

Valentines Giveaway Bash - 14 Fabulous Prizes for 3 Winners. Art, Jewelry, Cards, Candles, Gift Certificates... http://tinyurl.com/7jwvkb

22 January 2009

Is $320 Price Increase of PPC Domination Worth It?

I just received this from Mike Dillard in my email.

The Price Of "PPC Domination" Is Increasing By $320.00 In Less Than 24 Hours... This Is Your Last Chance To Try The Course Risk Free For 30 Days And Save BIG, Before Time Runs Out...

Thus the total price of the course will go from $177 to $497 if I've done my math correctly. Now I don't know about you, but if something potentially worthwhile comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee, and I know the price is about to go up, I'm going to make extra sure that I purchase it at the lowest price possible. There is nothing to lose and much to gain.

Here's the link

Click It Now

Purchase the Course Today

21 January 2009

How To Choose The Best Domain Name For Your Business

Choosing a domain name may be one of the most important steps you take when beginning to market your business online. Your domain name is the official ADDRESS of your company on the World Wide Web. The entire name is called your "URL". This includes the name you've chosen plus the .com, or .net or .biz at the end. You also may end up having page specifiers that follow your domain name after a forward slash.

Your domain name should be easy to read, easy to pronounce and easy to spell. This will help assure that people will not only remember it, but will grasp it if you are sharing it with them over the phone. Though people often try and think up cute or catchy names, your real goal is a name that reveals the obvious benefits of what you are offering on your web page. In most cases, just one domain name will not cover all the different types of prospects you are trying to target. You may find instead that you will need a variety of sites/pages and names to best target your focused niche.

Your domain name should be one that entices your potential customer to open the door and walk into your "store" (view your web page), just as the name on a brick and mortar building evokes enough curiosity for a random passer-by to step in. Spend time asking yourself questions about your target audience. As you become clear on who your customers will be, you can then create a domain name that speaks directly to them.

As one who is has many websites and pages, it is often a fun brainstorming session to find just the right name. The best training I have seen to date on this process can be found in video number three of the PPC Domination Training Course. The one addition I would make is to use a tool like Wordtracker, to research keywords that your potential customer base is looking for, but not finding. This can serve to further create a very niche targeted domain name. Niches and targeting are crucial to bringing in customers and prospects who are looking for that which you are offering.

19 January 2009

Don't Buy PPC Domination!!

Unless you want to become an expert at using Google Adwords to market your product or opportunity. I purchased the course today and have gone through two of the twelve videos so far. In all honesty, during the first video I was disappointed and concerned that they were going to use this training platform to market other funded proposal systems. I was already making notes to use to get my money back through the 30 day no questions guarantee.

But Patience Grasshopper, Patience.

Then I watched the second video and came away with a series of questions (homework, if you will) that will set me up for the development of a very targeted and thus effective, Google Ad. I also came to understand why they focused on funded proposals in the first video. It appears that the third lesson will pull the first two together into a cohesive understanding of what it means to truly understand and target your the specific market that you want to reach with your advertising.

This course is available this week only for a discounted price, and will then revert to the full price on Saturday. Given the wealth of practical content and the 30 day money-back guarantee, it is a no brainer decision for anyone wanting to master internet pay-per-click advertising.

16 January 2009

Why I'm Enthralled With Mike Dillard's PPC Domination Course

There are many ways to learn how to use PPC (pay per click). Unfortunately much of what people take away from the books or videos or articles leads them to hours of frustration and a lot of lost dollars. PPC can be the pot at the end of the rainbow or it can suck you dry.

A well known internet marketing guru named Derek Gehl teaches a great course on how to use pay-per-click. In his course he covers everything from finding keyword niches to the right way to set up your bids. Perry Marshall cover it all as well in his famous Google Adwords book.

So why am I so enthralled with what Jim Yaghi put together and Mike Dillard it presenting? Here is why. Because the needs of network marketers are different than those of other internet marketers. Network marketers have to understand how to use PPC to reach their target market..which is often more subtle than someone just selling a product. And because every course that Mike Dillard has developed or presented has enabled the average network marketer to grasp and take action. And because there have already been successes in our industry from people using this course, who have never approached PPC before.

So here's just a small sample of what you'll learn inside the detailed training videos of "PPC Domination"...

* How to "glide" through setting up your first AdWords account in 13 minutes or less—even if you've never used the Internet before.

* A simple "short cut" that makes learning and profiting from AdWords twice as fast.

* The easiest way to make money with Google AdWords when starting out.

* How to make your AdWords advertising 100% FREE. (And, in fact, actually make you money every time you run your ads!)

* A sneaky way to use AdWords to get dozens of leaders to eagerly send traffic to your websites. (And without having to speak with them, make any special deals with them, or pay them anything.)

* A neat little way of using your computer's spell check function to make your Google ads draw twice as many clicks. (And no... this has nothing to do with actually checking your ad's spelling.)

* The only proven-effective way to take almost 100% of the risk out of AdWords advertising. (This is perfect if you hate risking money.)

* Why even "professionally" written Google ads—created by pro copywriters—often bomb. (Believe it or not, with Jim's system, people with no prior copywriting experience have a HUGE advantage over experienced copywriters.)

* Jim Yaghi's famous "3-minute work day" secret. (Probably the fastest and easiest way to make money with Google ever invented.)

* How to "legally steal" the branding power and name status of bigger, more "cash flush" competitors. (When Jim first demonstrated this to me, I almost couldn't believe it. Jim actually shows you how to "steal" the top Google spots by using the names and branding of big name networkers in your ads—without breaking any laws or doing anything unethical!)

* A quickie "crash course" on writing Google AdWords headlines. (Your headline is the single most important part of your Google ad. Here's how the world's top AdWords marketers create their headlines—and how you can, too.)

* Why you should almost never send people from your Google ads to your home page! (This goes against what a lot of AdWords marketers are doing. Which is why most of them are broke and pulling their hair out.)

* How to make your prospects excited about visiting your site... before they even click your ad. (This is one of Jim's most reliable ways to get leads that are so hot, they sign up without even knowing what your product, opportunity or comp plan is!)

* How to get extremely good at writing Google ads fast—even if you hate writing and find it painful now.

And speaking of writing your ads...

Jim is NOT a naturally gifted writer.

And because of this, he was forced to invent a way to write profitable Google ads that:

1. Do not take a lot of time.

2. Work even if you are in a hurry... or have "brain fog" and can't think of anything to write.

Some of Jim's "easy speed writing" secrets include:

How to use simple "mind maps" to write multiple Google ads in 5 minutes or less...

The only known "newbie proof" way to quickly write strong AdWords ads...

A special key on your computer's keyboard that lets you instantly grab a
distracted Google searcher's attention... and even...

* How to change the "color" of your Google ads so they stick out from ALL the Other ads on the page!

This is HUGE.

This almost guarantees your ads get maximum clicks (and maybe even be the ONLY ads that get clicked on the page)—even if your ads are weaker and less "polished" than your competition's ads.

Not 1 in 1000 AdWords marketers—not even most of the so-called "gurus" knows about this. But after analyzing Google's software and keyword analysis patterns, Jim discovered a way to change the "color" of his Google ads so they stick out like a red car in a lot full of white cars.

Here are even more of the insider AdWords secrets you'll learn:

* Which exact words, phrases and ideas instantly grab the attention of the BEST network marketing prospects. (Works even if your ad is poorly written!)

* The ONLY type of prospect you should target in your first AdWords ad.

* What you must NEVER do in your Google ads... even though you see other people doing it. (This is another "classic blunder" most AdWords marketers make. Whatever you do... DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE.)

* A clever (and very sneaky) way to use AdWords to secretly "recruit" a Google searcher's friends and family to help you sponsor them! (Yes, this is possible, once you know this secret.)

* The right (and wrong) way to market your networking product with Google AdWords.

* The right (and wrong) way to market your opportunity with Google AdWords.

* How to find the perfect keywords for your AdWords campaigns... and how to test them dirt cheap.

* The 3 best kinds of prospects to target with AdWords. (You can build a downline very fast... and with almost no effort whatsoever... when you know how to find these exact prospects on Google.)

* How to use AdWords to "judo flip" the objections and concerns people have about your business into new sales and reps.

* What the Google "stupid tax" is... and how to make sure you never have to pay it!

* What to say in your Google ads that makes them up to 100 times more likely to be clicked.

* A top secret bidding strategy that will get you more leads at a cheaper cost... every single time! (This is probably Jim's most jealously guarded AdWords secret. You will likely not find it in any "guru" courses and books. And the best part is, it's simple. So simple almost everyone misses it.)

* The #1 WORST "sales killing" mistake you can make with AdWords. (Even expert AdWords marketers get this wrong—and leave a LOT of money on the table.)

* How to use your company and product name with AdWords... without running "afoul" of your company's rules.

I could keep going, but I think you've got a good idea of the incredible value contained in PPC Domination, and why our Beta testers are raving about it.

So here's what to do now...

The course will be made available at a huge 65% discount on Monday, at 12:00 Noon CST.

In the mean time, make sure you head over here and watch the two interviews Mike Dillard held with Jim Yaghi, and two of his star students, Aaron and Sophia.

They'd never used Adwords before, but after going through PPC Domination, they were able to produce up to 100 leads per DAY for FREE, and on Monday, you'll be able to do the same...

By the time you're done watching these videos, I believe you will be enthralled as well!!

15 January 2009

Plane Crashes in Hudson River..All Survive

Live video footage of US Airways Plane crash in NY's Hudson River. All passengers and crew are said to be safe.

Live Video Link

05 January 2009

The Gift of Patience in Business and Life

It is so hard to wait. Do you remember as a kid how hard it was to wait for Christmas or you birthday or for dinner? Even though patience is a virtue I do not believe it is a trait that is innate. I believe we need to cultivate patience and that often life gives us the perfect opportunities to do so.

Presently I am involved with a start-up network marketing company that is scheduled to begin operations in March. I have been involved since September (at which point we were hoping to have the products ready by the holidays). Patience. Take a deep a breathe. Now as March is getting closer we are on track for that date, though anything could happen between now and then. Patience. Lonnnggg Sllloooowwww Breeeaaatttgh.

I am excited and anxious to get moving. To introduce our product and unique compensation plan to the world. I can barely wait to hear people respond as I did with exclamation such as, "that's brilliant, why didn't anyone think of this before" or "how refreshing to get away from all the hype and see something that just makes sense". It's hard to be patient when I know that we may possibly change the face of the MLM industry with what we are going to present.

So where is the gift part, you may be asking? I titled this The Gift of Patience. Well here it is. The gift is that there is no frenzy to be caught up in. The gift is that I have time to speak personally with every single person who is interested in what we are doing. The gift is that I have time to develop real relationships with my potential front-line team rather than becoming a recruiting machine. By the time our company is ready to go, I will have had months of front-end work talking to people without any pressure. Being a maven of attraction marketing, for me building a strong network marketing organization is all about the foundation which is built on good relationships. I have been given the amazing gift of time and I am using it to get acquainted with many interesting and qualified people who may want to work with me.

Usually when you get involved in a new MLM (whether completely new or just new for you), there is a compulsion to "get going" and to talk to everyone and grow your team. That motivation and enthusiasm is awesome, but does not always result in the most prudent team building or in taking the necessary time to really know someone before inviting them into your organization. Here again is where the gift comes in. I have been given the gift of time which is requiring me to be patient, thoughtful, prudent and in many ways more human in the way I am approaching this new business.

How have you experienced the gift of patience in your life?

Please visit this page for more information about our new company.

Interesting New Web Marketing System Goes Viral in Record Time

If you have not yet heard about Web Prosperity, you may not be on the internet enough. This company had created one of the most intensive viral marketing campaigns I have ever seen. Web Prosperity is new company founded by David D'Archangelo. It is a package of marketing tools that most online marketers use and need, including an autoresponder, webinar system, video/podcast system and others.

There has been a lot of controversy about the company and I felt a responsibility to share with you what I know. Many people are signing up and holding a slot. There is no cost so far to do so. I held one mostly to receive the emails and get a feeling for the reality of what they have to offer. For many it appears from the marketing video to be a no brainer with regards to "why not sign up?". And many have done so for that very reason.

David D. has a checkered reputaion and that concerns me. The company that is providing some of the services is called Implix. They appear to have a very good reputation. There are concerns about the trusting one's generated lead list to a network marketing company with no proven track record. Though others do not seem to be concerned about this.

My recommendation is to check it out. Google David D'Archangelo. Watch the marketing video. Sign up so you can get on a conference call and listen to what they have to say. It may be a great opportunity. Many seem to think so. It may turn out to be a lot of hype without a lot of return. There are those who think that as well. The monthly fee if you use the tools is actually very reasonable. You would pay the same or more to use them separately.

If someone sent you a link already, put in your name if you want and watch it unfold. If you have not yet received a link you can get there through this one.
Please remember that I am not endorsing nor recommending this company. It has created such a buzz that I felt obligated to share what I know with my friends and associates to help in your own decision making.

03 January 2009

Twitter Interrupted

Twitter now accounts for 30% of the business done on the internet..or at least that's what I read last night on Twitter. The tricky part of twitter is that it is so fun and so consuming that it begins to take over all of ones computer time. Thus "Twitter Interrupted" needed to born.

Twitter Interrupted is a self-help plan for twitter addicts. It is a system that allows you to continue your twitter habit, keep your friends and business associates in the loop, and also spend time focusing on everything else that needs to happen in you life and your work.

Here's how it works:

1. Before you go to bed, list out what you need to accomplish the next day. Separate your computer work into its own category and break it down into tasks. Twitter is its own category. Number your internet list in order of priority

2. Before signing off the computer for the night... visit Tweetlater or Twuffer and program in at least one tweet per hour for the next day. These are not relationship tweets. These are the tweets that allow you to not panic if you cannot tweet for a few hours at time. You know you're covered and that eases anxiety.

3. In the morning you may glance at twitter for 15 minutes before showering or even opening your eyes..but be disciplined. Pull yourself away and get ready for the day.

4. After a healthy breakfast of more than just coffee and biscuit crumbs on your keyboard, move towards accomplishing one of your computer tasks that is not twitter. (If you have to head out..you may tweet a little on the way, as long as remember where you were heading and get there on time)

5. Once your task is accomplished it's REWARD TIME!! You may now tweet for 30 minutes. Enjoy. This is relationship building time. Read other's tweets. Reply. Make comments. Empathize. As a rule only 1/10 tweets should be self-promoting in regards to your business. Remember tweeples, this is a relationship building tool not a regurgitate your opportunity all over everyone tool.

6. Now move on to your next numbered task on your list. Do this throughout the day, scheduling twitter rewards whenever you achieve an objective. Please do not forget to eat, turn off the oven or pick your kids up at school These things might need to be on your list if you have a serious twitter addiction..just in case.

7. At the end of the day you are free to tweet for as many hours as you can before your wrists go numb..as long as you've accomplished your list. But do not go to bed without going back to step one and two before you shut down for the night.

8. Word of advice. Many have spoken of losing weight
due to twitter. It is hard to eat and tweet.
So if you are one who needs the nutrition,
please make a note of that on your daily list. We do not want to be tweeting about your demise due to twitteritis.

There are many other twitter tools available to make your tweeting time more efficient. You can easily find them by googling or getting on twitter and asking about them. For those who love twitter, sometimes the tools interfere with the shear enjoyment of the speed, chaos and adrenalin of twitter. Use your own discretion.

Need personal assistance. Visit Here.

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Some items on this site may be affiliate items. Be aware that the author of this blog may receive commissions on some of the products and links appearing in this blog.