12 April 2009

Emotional Aspects and Stumbling Blocks of Your ONLINE Marketing Business

Eric Walker recently interviewed the author of this blog. Here is an excerpt from the introduction and a link to the recorded podcast.

Deborah Tutnauer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, practicing psychotherapist. She’s a Business coach, trained with The Global Consulting Partnership. Deborah is an older mother of almost a 7 year old who she home schools.

Deborah believes strongly that residual income is the key to quality life, family time and the ability to make a true difference in the world.

She believes that the creating of own business working through the internet is the best income producing area of the decade and the early 21st century. Old 20th century economic paradigm is dead.

We spoke on the phone and discussed these topics most heavily:

* The emotional aspects of developing your own business using the internet, network marketing, affiliate marketing and attraction marketing.

* Moving from ideas to Action

* Fear of Success

* Fear of Failure

* Getting out of your own way.

* Sabatoge by meaningful friends and family

* Belief (Think and Grow Rich)

* Law of Attraction

Click here now to listen to this informative interview.

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