16 September 2008

Football Call and Financial Markets

I find it hard to believe that at the same time as the US Financial Markets were at the brink of disaster, news shows spent at least as much time on the Bronco/Charger bad football call. Maybe I'm unique, but the values that portrays are just another example as to why as a society we need to regroup and re-think what is really important.

While Lehman Brothers was dissolving, the war in Afghanistan was escalating, the US Presidential Election was heating up, Houston was under water and people were extremely concerned that an NFL Referee made a bad call. Yes the call probably cost the Chargers the game. But honestly, in the greater scheme of our world, is that important?

It is a disconnect from true importance in our media and our society that continues to keep my so concerned. I believe we all must have a Plan B. I'm sure the clerks and receptionists at Bear Stearns or Lehman Brothers had no idea that they were soon to be jobless. It is for this reason that I am so passionate about network marketing. It is one of the few situations in this country where your success, your income and your security are within your control. Work harder, make more. Learn more and be more committed, build a larger downline. Don't quit and you will secure your financial future.

I offer consultation with people to brainstorm whether or not network marketing is the right avenue for you to pursue. There is no cost and no obligation to get involved with anything or anyone. It is an opportunity to open your mind and explore an alternative, potentially life changing, direction.

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