27 January 2009

Food For Everyone Foundation

Below is the mission statement of the Food For Everyone Foundation

We are committed to teaching and encouraging personal and family self-sufficiency throughout the world, using the best possible food production, information delivery, and teaching systems and methods.

We believe in the principles of abundance and the common brotherhood of man, and in helping create happier, healthier, self-sufficient people wherever hungry people can be reached and taught.

We believe in each person’s individual worth, in teaching them how to care for themselves, giving them the opportunity and responsibility to do so, and thus reaping the rewards of their own efforts.

We believe in the capacity of each person to be a creator, that the law of the harvest dictates reward for effort, that the earth has ample resources to provide for every person living in it, and that people have a natural in-born desire to care for themselves and their families.

We accept each person in the world as our brother or sister, and honor their uniqueness and value. We consider that we are much more alike than different.

Click This Link Now to Learn How you Can Be a Part of

Fulfilling This Mission

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