16 December 2008

Bill Farley (Zrii) Interviews Peter Thomas (Century 21)

Bill Farley, the Founder and CEO of Zrii ( Original Amalaki) had a special interview conference call tonight with Peter Thomas..former owner of Century 21 Real Estate for the entire country of Canada. The focus of the call was primarily on what makes a good salesperson.

As an internet attraction marketer, some of the shared information felt very "old school" to me. But there were tidbits of information that were also pieces of gold for anyone in business for themselves. Here is Peter Thomas's list entitled "Rules For Success"

1. Keep it simple
2. Ignore those who say it can't be done
3. Work smart not hard
4. Become a student of your career--learn EVERYTHING you can about what you are doing
5. Don't be an innovator--learn from those who came before and do it better
6. Emulate the best but keep your own spin and personality
7. Write down everything
8. Stay focused--visualization, inspiration, reflection
9. Act enthusiastic--even if it's a bad day--your acting will change the flow of the day
10. Be persistent
11. Practice delegation--this is good leadership
12. Avoid extensive meetings
13. Don't be afraid to make mistakes
14. Have at least 5 mentors
15. Get up early
16. Have fun

I think we'd all agree that this list is relevant whether you're a door-to-door salesperson or a an internet marketer..and whether you're selling a single health product or a series of educational workshops. Please feel free to contact me for mentoring information and assistance in putting these ideals into action.

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